
Gayuh Syaikhullah, S.Pt., M.Si.
Chairman of Organizing Committee
Animal Science Department (Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia) will be holding an online scientific conference entitled The 3rd National Conference Of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS). A theme of the 3rd N-CAAS is "Challenges Livestock Industry through the Application of Green Economy to Recognize Sustainable Food Independence in the Era of Society 5.0."
The conference will discuss several topics, including:
- Livestock Production
- Animal Health
- Animal Nutrition
- Feed Technology
- Livestock Technology
- Livestock Industry
- Socio-economy of Livestock
- Livestock Agribustiness
Conference Date
The date of the conference is 27 - 28 August 2022, via Zoom online. The program of conference will be started at 09.00 (GMT+7).
Important Dates
Early Bird Full Paper Submission
Regular Full Paper Submission
Notification of Acceptance
Deadline Payment
Final Manuscript
Conference Date
Parallel Session
Call for Paper
Publication Opportunities
Selected papers will be published in JIPT indexed by SINTA 3 and Google Scholar.

Prof. Seong Gu Hwang, Ph.D
Application Biochemistry Major, Hankyong National University, South Korea

Agung Irawan, S.Pt., M.Sc.
Ph.D Student, Oregon State University, USA, Lecturer Universitas Sebelas Maret

Ir. Galuh Adi Insani, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM.
Chief Marketing Officer BroilerX

Suryo Firmanto, S.Pt.
Farm Manager PT. Ultra Peternakan Bandung Selatan

Suseno Bayu Wibowo, S.Pt., M.Si.
Founder CV. Mannaf Perkasa

Dr. Ir. Merry Muspita, DU, M.P., IPM.
Poultry Bussiness Management, Animal Science Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember