Registration Fee

Registration Fee for Author

Payment Type Amount Deadlines Payment Information Upload Proof of Payment
Indonesia Overseas
Early Bird IDR 750.005,- USD 60 Until August 17, 2024
  • Bank Name:
  • Acc Number: 000 30013 0000 5454
  • Beneficiary RPL 131 BLU POLIJE UNTUK DK
  • For students, please upload Student Identity Card at Easychair
  • Additional Paper: Only applies to the 2nd article etc. for the same first author
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Reguler Internal (Politeknik Negeri Jember) IDR 1.000.005,- USD 80 September 14, 2024
Reguler External IDR 1.100.005,- USD 100 September 14, 2024
Student IDR 500.005,- USD 30 September 14, 2024
Additional Paper IDR 500.005,- USD 30 September 14, 2024

*) 5 is a unique code for the conference payment

Registration Fee for Participant

Payment Type Amount Deadlines Payment Information
Indonesia Overseas
Participant Students IDR 350.005,- USD 25 Until September 14, 2024 To make payment, participant non presenter please
Click Here
Participant Non-Students IDR 500.005,- USD 50 Until September 14, 2024

*No refund will be made for registered participants and who fail to turn up

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